There is an issue which arises as spring approaches and which is best left alone if you wish to avoid the wrath of either indignant farmers who want to simply protect their livelihood or alternatively indignant members of the public who feel they are suffering due to the actions of inconsiderate farmers. I am referring, of course, to the use of bird scarers.
I have been approached by the district council’s Environmental Protection Team regarding the use of audible bird deterrents, with the main issues being the use of multiple scarers in a small area used by different farmers, and malfunctioning audible scarers that don’t recognise that the pigeons have gone to roost!
So, a plea to local farmers to keep a close eye on bird scarers and ensure the NFU Code of Practice is followed, together with a request for the public to pick up the phone and speak to the farmer in question, if known. You will find that most are understanding.
We do need to ensure that crops are being grown for human, rather than pigeon consumption, and with the ongoing issues surrounding imported meat, there has never been a stronger case to ‘Buy British’. We have the highest animal welfare standards in Europe and yet our dairy and lamb producers continue to see prices driven down due to retailers chasing every penny in the drive not for cheap food, but increased profits for their shareholders.