Farming and animal welfare groups have praised police for their operation against hare coursing in Lincolnshire.
Police confirmed this week that Operation Galileo, targeting gangs hunting hares with dogs, had resulted in 300 fewer reported incidents between September 2012 and mid-March 2013 than for the same period last year.
The operation has also seen 186 prosecutions and 90 warnings for people suspected of hare coursing activity.
Insp Andy Ham, head of the operation, said the 810 cases reported this year, compared to about 1,100 for 2011-12, was the lowest figure since police records of hare coursing incidents began five years ago.
Sutton Bridge farmer and South Holland District Council member Michael Booth said: “Operation Galileo has been very successful and I thank the police for the way they have handled it.
“The stance they have taken on hare coursing has cut down on the amount of incidents that take place and it’s certainly helped farmers.”
Andrew Wilson, NFU county advisor for Lincolnshire, said: “We thank the police for all their hard work during the present hare coursing season and it sends out a message that Lincolnshire is a no-go area for hare coursing.
“We would urge them to keep up their efforts during the next hare coursing season.”
Barry Fryer, head of the RSPCA’s Special Operations Unit, said: “We congratulate Lincolnshire Police on what appears to have been a successful operation to deal with the horrible crime of hare coursing.”