Spanish teaching assistant at the Sir John Gleed School Alberto J de Diego has had time to travel and to experience the differences between Spain and the UK in terms of the weather, the food and the people.
He says: “I immediately felt at home in Spalding. The people I have met are very friendly and helpful, and the town has offered enough for me to do to enjoy my free time. The experience at the school has been fabulous. ”
Deputy headteacher Mandy North says: “Partly as a result of the interest Alberto has instigated, we are introducing Spanish as a second modern foreign language (after French) for Year 7 this September.
“We hope to set up a link with a school close to where he lives, where his sister teaches. This will take the form of E-twinning and video conferencing and will support our Year 7 Spanish classes, as well as enabling other students throughout the school to work on joint curriculum projects.”