The South Holland Litter Blitz is being launched in October, according to waste and recycling support officer Laura Simpkins.
Particular litter hot spots will be tackled and the idea is that members of the community get involved to show they are prepared to do something about the problem and hopefully change the behaviour of those responsible for the litter.
There will be a couple of litter picks, but the launch event is on October 13 at Fulney Road skate park in Spalding and it is hoped that lots of families will turn out. Spike the litter mascot will be there.
Laura has already seen community spirit at work, as more than 20 people have volunteered to become litter wardens, and be properly equipped to deal with litter problems.
Several litter picks will be run during half term week in various parts of the district and anyone who wants to participate is welcome.
Laura says: “There’s a community spirit out there. I have had some really good comments from people saying they really want to make a difference because it’s their area.”