Crime in South Holland is falling – that’s official.
Residents are being urged to ignore claims other police forces may manipulate statistics – and celebrate a 12 per cent reduction in recorded crime.
Insp Jim Tyner said: “In South Holland, and across Lincolnshire, we accurately record all crimes that are reported to us.
“There is no manipulation of these figures and we have strict audit systems in place to ensure officers comply with the national crime recording standards.”
At this time of year, police normally expect a seasonal increase in certain crime types, however across South Holland there have been 116 dwelling burglaries – 39 less burglary victims than this time last year and a 25 per cent reduction.
There has also been a reduction in assaults.
Insp Tyner said: “I often hear that Spalding town centre isn’t a safe place to go out. Actually, since April 1 there have been 98 assaults in Spalding town centre (that’s an average of three a week), which is a reduction of 15 crimes compared to the same period last year.
“The assaults in the town centre tend to be linked to the night-time weekends, so I am pleased with this reduction, as it is the result of a lot of work with licensees and door-staff and increased police patrols.”
However, there has been a rise in assaults on the Spalding Estates beat area – 106 assaults compared to 85 last year.
Insp Tyner said: “Many of these assaults tend to be linked to domestic violence. We encourage an increase in reporting of domestic abuse because for far too long those suffering from domestic abuse were often the silent victims.”
In spite of the reduction in crime, Insp Tyner said more officers are still needed.
He said: “Recorded crime may be down, but not everything that is reported to us is a recorded crime for the purpose of the national crime recording standards.
“Two of the most consistent themes of correspondence this year have been street drinkers and cyclists without lights or cycling on pavements.
“Readers of your paper or followers of our Twitter account will already be aware of the significant amount of officer time that is devoted to these two issues.
“Although every incident is recorded, neither of these issues is a recorded crime, so the falling crime figures do not necessarily represent the issues that matter most to our community. However, in South Holland we are currently enjoying a 12 per cent reduction in crime.
“What is important to me, though, is that this means, across all crime types, in South Holland there are 332 fewer victims than this time last year.”