I write with regard to the article in last Thursday’s Guardian entitled “Don’t let the elderly be lonely”.
It is spot on in the fact that many elderly people are left on their own due to relatives living far away etc.
It’s only right that they should enjoy a little company, especially at this time of year and maybe sons and daughters should try and make the effort to see their parents/relatives, especially at Christmas.
But what about people whose family lives have been less than harmonious?
What about people who’ve suffered abuse, be it physical, sexual, emotional or any other type of abuse at the hands of their parents/caregivers?
Should we be demonising sons and daughters who keep their distance for this reason? NO! Anybody who abuses their kids, in my opinion, automatically negate any right to company from them.
Whilst it’s true we should keep an eye out for our elderly neighbours, we should look at the bigger picture.
Cameron Johnston
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