Big Brother could soon be watching residents in Spalding – from Boston.
Councillors are being asked to dig deep to ensure as many new cameras as possible can be activated from a state-of-the-art facility at Boston Borough Council that has been compared to the Foreign Office crisis room.
The system uses high definition cameras over a secure wireless network. Cameras can tilt and turn, giving the ability for an operator to zoom in on an incident taking place inside a shop or business.
Until now CCTV cameras in Spalding have been operated by a group of dedicated volunteers from a control room at the police station, although this has not been a 24/7 service.
Coun Nick Worth, deputy leader of South Holland District Council, addressed members of the Town Forum on Wednesday about the benefits of forming a partnership with Boston and switching to a professional system with the potential of being manned 24 hours.
Running the new cameras costs £1,135 each – £19,000 for a 24/7 service or £14,000 for 18 hours. There is £7,000 set aside in the Spalding Special Expenses account, leaving a £12,000 shortfall.
Coun Worth said: “We are asking for a contribution from designated member’s budgets to make up the shortfall. The system at Boston has already proved beneficial and there is no doubt about the value of CCTV as a deterrent to crime.”