At the recent South Holland branch AGM, Eddie Gent was re-elected chairman with Stafford Proctor the new vice-chairman.
I often preach about the importance of the work of the NFU, but when one considers the diverse issues the NFU deals with, you begin to realise individual growers could never hope to influence government other than through the collective strength of the NFU. Thus a recent East Midlands weekly email headlined “Current Issues” including TB Badger Controls, SPS and TB testing, Farm Saved Seed advice, Brussells Update, and so on. Perhaps most telling was the NFU’s response to the CAP consultation, formulated after discussions in every NFU county branch in the country, culminating in a 42-page submission – and a short five page summary for members!
I question if any individual farmer would have the time or inclination to put such a submission together – and yet it is absolutely critical given DEFRA’s proposal for the maximum 15 per cent transfer from Direct Payments away from farmers in favour of new projects under another Rural Development Programme. What is wrong with DEFRA conforming with the EU minimum requirements for member states and trusting farmers to remain as the true guardians of the countryside?
I thank all NFU members and insurance clients for their support and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.