St John Ambulance is pledging to do its best to help Spalding’s family contact centre and three others in the county “in their transition to independence”.
The first aid charity is pulling the plug on the centres at the end of this year, prompting fears that families suffering break-ups will no longer have neutral settings to see their children.
The charity’s regional director, Chris Thornton, said: “We have been proud to provide the family contact centres but our charitable mission is first aid and we need to focus on reducing unnecessary deaths.
“The contact centres do excellent work and we tried to find another organisation to take them on, but the best way forward for the centres is to be independent charities.
“We will do our best to help them in their transition to independence. People who would like to help should call Paula Gale on 07770 892287.”
He says once independent, the contact centres will be able to support “far more families”.