If the people of Spalding could have quiet a word in Santa’s ear before the big day they would say: “Please don’t bring us something to wear.”
But they would also form a line to say thank you for a host of wonderful gifts that bowled them over at the time – and left them with memories they cherish to this day.
Richard Stimson (70) was out with South Holland Rotary’s Santa sleigh when we asked him about his best ever Christmas present.
He said: “It was a Hornby 00 passenger train set when I was about ten. It gave me terrific pleasure. I carried on until my teens building it up and extending it.
“The worst one is always going to be a jumper that doesn’t fit, it’s too small, and you say ‘Oh it’s lovely, isn’t it?’”
Rotary colleague and former tennis champ Tony Rowlett (66) said: “The best one was my first carbon fibre tennis racket when I was 14. I won cups and trophies with it. I can’t think of the worst present.”
Josh Grainger (18), from Surfleet, said: “My best was an off-road motorbike, a PY80, when I was about eight, and I was over the moon. I have still got it and I still ride it.
“I don’t think I have ever got a bad present. I have always been spoilt, all of us have been.”
Gemma Dye (24), from Spalding, said: “My best present was probably my first bike when I was about five or six.
“The worst is when people buy you clothes that you don’t like and you have to say you like them.”
Arturas Maciulevicius (24), from Spalding, said: “The best was a PC when I was about 13, it was like a miracle to me. I like everything I get. I like presents.”
Rebecca Richards (40), from Spalding, said: “The best was when I got my first pair of roller skates when I was probably about six. I don’t like receiving clothes at Christmas.”