A group of nine “gifted and talented” students from Spalding High have taken the concept of a school newspaper into the 21st Century.
To increase readership and match technological advances, the youngsters have released The High Quarterly as an online paper.
The paper was launched in 2010 and has since seen eight issues compiled and released by pupils past and present.
The most recent edition was released this month and can be viewed at www.spald inghigh.lincs.sch.uk/newspa per/news.asp
The newspaper is run under the administration of the school’s Gifted and Talented coordinator Amanda Rossi.
Each student is the editor of a subject-specific section which varies from film and theatre to brainteasers or Pets’ Corner.
But the paper is not aimed purely at students of Spalding High, with contemporary issues covered in the current affairs section and regular interviews with well-known public figures such as the somewhat controversial Katie Hopkins, who features in this edition’s books section.
It is the intention of the High Quarterly to expand its readership to a broader audience.
While the core editorial team mould the paper to create the final piece, articles are commissioned and interviews are recorded on a wide scale.
Students across the school often provide articles while teachers and parents also supply insightful, mature pieces.
It is this diverse background that enables the success of the paper, which is reflected by the 120 articles present in the current edition.
We aim to make the High Quarterly a truly universal triumph. There really is something for everyone.
The next edition is due for release around Easter and will feature articles covering an array of subjects including interviews with influential Parliamentary figures and more exciting competitions and news stories.
Be sure to support the endeavours of your local school by submitting an email to thehighquarterly@gmail.com, liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter.