Police were called to a number of domestic abuse incidents in South Holland over Christmas.
Ins Jim Tyner tweeted there was one on Christmas Eve, nine on Christmas Day and two on Boxing Day.
Among them, on Boxing Day a 39-year-old man was arrested for aggravated burglary following a domestic incident in Donington.
A 29-year-old man was also arrested in Spalding for domestic assault and damage.
Other incidents dealt with by police at Spalding over the festive period included damage to a taxi on Christmas Eve, where a 21-year-old man was arrested and bailed for further enquiries.
Three teenagers arrested on Christmas Eve were all charged with burglary and theft from vehicle and bailed to youth court.
On Christmas Day, a man was arrested for begging and possession of drugs. He was charged with begging and bailed for drugs examination.
On Boxing Day, a 58-year-old man was arrested for driving whilst disqualified in Pinchbeck Road, Spalding. He was charged and bailed to court.
In the early hours of Friday, officers tasered a 22-year-old man with a knife during an affray at Formans Bridge Caravan Site in Sutton St James.
The man was arrested but was checked out first at Boston’s Pilgrim Hospital.
Anyone with information about any of the above incidents is asked to call police on 101.