If you’re stuck for a New Year’s resolution or two to adopt, the NFU has come up with the following “to do” list for 2014.
1 Celebrate Farmhouse Breakfast Week (January 26 to February 1) – get involved and help educate consumers about the importance of a healthy start to the day and where their food comes from.
2 Look out for an email – if you applied for SPS online, expect an email from the RPA explaining where to find 2014 cross compliance guidance.
3 Make sure you register – those who ”normally and regularly” carry waste will have to be registered with the Environment Agency as a lower tier waste carrier from January 2014.
4 Start the year with a promise – the Make a Promise campaign aims to get everyone in farming thinking about the small, practical steps everyone can take to make the farm a safer place.
5 Select cattle correctly – getting the right balance between weight and fatness when deciding when to market cattle.
6 Enrich your soils – attend an RASE event.
7 Use soil testing results – now is a good time to soil test under-performing fields.
8 Consider SPS online – ring NFU Callfirst 0870 8458458
9 Date for the diary – 2014 Oxford Farming Conference, January 6-8.
10 Attend LAMMA – January 22-23 East of England Showground, Peterborough.