Council house tenants in South Holland could face a rent increase of more than seven per cent.
The increase will be discussed by full council after being announced at the Cabinet meeting last Tuesday.
It is being recommended that the rent will increase by 7.06 per cent. This means the proposed average rent will be £79.33 a week, an increase of £5,23.
Charges for sewerage will be increased in line with the annual increase applied by Anglian Water.
This has provisionally been included at five per cent and will be revised once the water inflation rate is known.
Tenants will be served a statutory period of notice about the increase.
The council’s stock as of April 1 last year, excluding shared ownership properties, was 3,881 properties.
It is expected to be 3,887 by April 1 this year, including new builds.
Draft housing revenue account budget for 2014-15 is £17.766m an increase of 6.61 per cent.
Income for the same period is expected to be £16.936m - an increase of 6.54 per cent.
The council’s key priorities for housing include providing more high quality housing, to reduce incidence of homelessness and continue to achieve the decent homes standard for its stock.