A driver more than double the legal alcohol limit crashed into a garden wall fronting two houses.
Richard Kirby’s Ford Focus demolished part of the wall in Church Street, Deeping St James, at 12.40am on December 28.
Shelley Wilson, prosecuting, said Kirby remained at the scene and police smelled alcohol on his breath.
A test revealed 80 microgrammes of alcohol in breath – the legal limit is 35mcgs.
Mrs Wilson said it appeared there were no problems with Kirby’s insurance as there was no claim for compensation.
Solicitor Rob Arthur, mitigating, said Kirby had not only let himself down, but quite a lot of other people – particularly as he is a support worker and main driver for autistic children and children with behavioural problems.
Mr Arthur said he had not been able to break the news to them about losing his licence and knows “one child will become very upset”.
Kirby (55), of Stephens Way, Deeping St James, was banned from driving for 20 months, fined £240 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £24 victim surcharge by magistrates at Grantham when he admitted driving with excess alcohol.
He can cut five months off the ban if he completes a rehabilitation course.