Trustees of the youth club in Gosberton have vowed to resolve problems which saw a playgroup locked out and fearing it would need to find a new home before the new year.
Rainbows Playgroup manager Jane Houghton found the locks had been changed when she went along to the youth club hall in High Street last weekend after a disagreement broke out about maintenance of the hall.
The playgroup had taken legal advice and refused to sign its licence renewal until trustees agreed to meet with them to discuss minor improvements such as replacing lights in the hall and problems with drains.
But the trustees claimed they were unable to allow the youth club to continue using the hall without the signed licence because of fire and public liability insurance terms.
Although an 11th hour agreement was reached at the beginning of the week to allow the playgroup to continue using the hall until the end of term tomorrow, it faced having to find a new home or close its doors when the new term starts in January.
Parents, some of whom rely on the playgrop to look after their children while they work, were very concerned about the situation, leading to some bad feeling in the village.
Trustee and village vicar the Rev Ian Walters said: “I have been receiving some abusive phone calls about this but having spoken to the trustees our plan is to have a meeting with the playgroup and agree a way forward.
“We have always been very happy with the arrangement to share the building and I would like to reassure parents that as far as I’m concerned it is our intention to make sure there are no difficulties and an agreement is in place for the new term.”