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NFU’s Steve Barber explains why organisation if voice of British farming


Having been NFU group secretary for 32 years, I am a firm believer that the National Farmers Union is The Voice of British Farming.

Historically, the NFU had more direct access to the government of the day, and the debate continues to rage regarding where power ultimately now lies – is it in Europe, rather than the House of Commons and the PM and his government? The outcomes of the latest CAP Reform might suggest the former!

The NFU is at the very heart of all ongoing debates within the industry. Thus we have the recent launch of the Back British Farming Campaign, which aims to increase self sufficiency in British food. The horsemeat scandal supports the case to “Buy British” with the NFU calling for the food industry to reassess complex supply chains, ensure clear labelling of products, end the mixing of UK and imported meat and for better support for Red Tractor Assurance.

Another example of the NFU’s work is the issue of a Post AWB Employer Information Pack which will prove invaluable to members following the abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board from October 1. The situation is complex given that the terms of the AWO will still apply to existing workers, unless employers seek to vary such terms and conditions, itself fraught with difficulties. The Information Pack is only available to NFU members – another good reason to be part of the NFU fraternity!

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