A huge new housing development planned for Kirton could see 140 new homes being built.
Lindum Homes has put in for planning permission for a site on the west side of London Road, between the cemetery and Kirton Medical Centre.
The scheme could see a mixture of homes being built, a number of which will be classed as affordable housing.
Residents can see the plans and have their say on the development at a public exhibition on Thursday, February 6, from 4pm to 8pm at Kirton Town Hall.
Representatives from Lindum Homes will be on hand to answer any questions about the proposed development.
Lindum Homes managing director Tony Lawton said: “We believe that the site represents a sustainable opportunity for new homes in close proximity to existing facilities and following early discussions with the local planning authority we are looking at sharing our ideas for how the site could be developed with local residents and stakeholders.”