Drug dealers and fly-tippers have hit a popular park in Sutton Bridge.
Parish council clerk Suzanne England said trainers were found hanging in bushes – a sign that drug dealing is going on – when she visited Prince’s Street park with a district council officer, who advised they should be taken down straight away.
They found televisions, broken glass and soiled nappies on the park, part of a more widespread fly-tipping problem in the village.
Parish council vice-chairman Michael Booth: “It’s the worst I have ever known it. Woad Lane is diabolical – there’s five mattresses, cupboards and kids’ toys – plastic toys, there must be a trailer load of those, and tyres.
“Then you have got King John crossroads and somebody has deposited a sofa there and East Bank, loads of tyres have been tipped down there.
“They have all been reported and they will be cleared up.”
Coun Booth wants the public to be vigilant so culprits can be caught.
He said: “What we need is vehicles and vehicle registration numbers and certainly we will prosecute if we can get the evidence to do it.”
Community policing inspector Jim Tyner said: “Lincolnshire Police take drug offences extremely seriously and I would urge anyone who suspects that such activity is taking place to contact us immediately. Remember this can be done anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
“Littering and fly-tipping blights our communities and seriously impacts on the quality of life of local residents. It is a serious issue often associated with other forms of anti-social behaviour and criminal activity and we work closely with the Environment Agency and local authorities to support successful prosecutions.
“The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 increased the penalties for waste crimes and also gave the police the power of arrest in certain circumstances.”